If you love that indian restaurant around the street corner near your house, and go there every other weekend, don’t worry you are not the only one. Indian food has been gaining massive popularity in the world, especially now since the world is becoming a global village. The world has readily and happily accepted the spicy blends India has to offer. But what are the reasons for this ? Let us look at 5 reasons as to why indian food is gaining popularity in the world.
#1. Impeccable taste
No wonder the number one reason is the taste indian food gives. There are very few cuisines in the world that provide such complex flavors as indian cuisine does.
Food tasters attribute the tastiness of indian curries to the unique blend of spices. Another interesting characteristic of indian food is that if the proportion of any of the spices in the dishes are increased by even a pinch, it absolutely changes the taste of the curry. All the complex spices fit in perfect harmony and give off that unique flavor.
#2. Easy to make
Although this may sound counter intuitive but indian foods are actually the easier dishes to make, since most ingredients are fixed and common in most dishes. For example, indian restaurants are probably one of the few places, if not the only place, where a curry base is prepared at the start of the day for making most dishes on the menu. Since slight changes in recipes can make a complete new dish is this cuisine. This also means that it is easier on
the pocket, since once you buy a certain amount of a variety of spices it will last you for months while creating new dishes each time.
#3. Huge variety of food
Just like India, the food here is also diversified. The climate of India is so different in all four regions,that mother nature provides each region with its own specific ingredients and hence new cooking styles developed. Also with the arrival of foreign people hybrid cooking methods and dishes have also evolved. We also see that the different groups and cultures of India are bleeding into each other,with people showing curiosities about the living styles and cuisines of their neighboring states. So the indian cuisine is going to grow further with the coming time.
#4. Medicinal Properties
India has always been famous for ayurveda, which uses ingredients and methods of nature to treat illnesses and prevent them. Ayurveda believes that food is the biggest healer of the body, and if consumed in a wrong way, it will act as poison for the same.
Therefore, the base of most indian recipes are based on these lines, which is also a reason why certain types of spices or vegetables or sweetners are used in indian dishes. For example, ginger fixes sore throat and increases immunity, most traditional indian dishes have jaggery instead of sugar which cools the body etc. Also indian foods also serve as great comfort foods while also helping the body.
#5. Uniqueness
This point is probably well established by now. Indian cuisine has the most unique flavor combinations that are not seen in many, if any, other cuisine in the world. Also Indian cuisine is extremely customizable. Since the dishes cater to people from all taste types. From extremely sweet, to extremely salty, spicy or sour. Indian cuisine has it all. The most unique characteristic though, for indian food is that it is extremely hard to figure out, or pin point a certain trend or a specific taste of indian food. It is impossible to describe it in a sentence, let alone a word. But if we had to use a word to describe it, it would be unique.
Therefore, if you have indian cuisine as your favorite one, good news for you. This is the most unique cuisine in the world, which serves the body and nourishes it,